Welcome to Columbus Holidays travel agency, your trustful partner! We believe that travel is far more than just going and seeing new places. We believe that traveling is a once in a life time experience, to experience the places, the culture, the food - That's reason why we are here! To give an experience you remember for life.

Tailored Just For You
We are specialists in tailor made tours. And each tour is carefully customized to fit your expectations, desires & the budget making each tour unique & one of a kind.
Safety and Security
Explore your favorite destinations with confidence & a sense of security. Our extensive local experience coupled with personalized approach guarantee your safety & security.
Best Value for Money
Our main mission is to help you find the perfect tour experience based on your budget and to deliver an excellent personalized service giving the best value for your money.
Industry Experience
Our top management and staff take pride in having well over 10 years of experience in the travel & tourism industry - handling International & Domestic tours and private holiday packages with great success.